Ovulation Test Strips

We want you to get the most out of our products. That's why we're recommending Proov’s Predict LH Tests to help you determine your cycle timeline. When you know the timing of your ovulation, you know when to expect your next period and you know when to start taking your Bye Cramps and/or Bye Bad Cramps products!

Here's how it works. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a signal sent from the brain to your ovaries. When LH levels rise very quickly, it's called the "LH surge." This surge is what triggers ovulation to happen in the next 24 to 36 hours.

The time between ovulation and the next period is generally very precise. Ovulation happens approximately 14 days before the next period, which means the LH surge happens approximately 15 days before the next period. When you use the Predict LH Tests and identify your LH surge, you should start taking your Bye Cramps and/or Bye Bad Cramps products in 13 days (two days before your next period).