Bye Cramps Product Information


This unique blend of vitamins offers a natural, hormone-free option for relief of period cramps and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms. Many may also experience a reduced amount of blood loss.

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  • Each box contains five packets of pills.
  • Two days prior to the start of your period, take the pills of the first packet.
  • Continue to take the pills from one packet daily through day three of your period.
  • Regimen should last a total of five days.


  • Vitamin E 400 IU (268mg)
  • Vitamin B1 100mg
  • Vitamin B6 200mg


1) How do I use the medication?

  • Take one packet every day beginning two days before the expected start of a period. Continue through day three of bleeding.

2) Do I need to track my period schedule?

  • In order to use this product optimally, it's recommended to have an understanding of your period cycle. Please use our period tracking guide to get started. If you are new to tracking or if you are very irregular, consider upgrading to the 3-month prepaid package so that you have extra in case of dosing mistakes.

3) What are the side effects?

  • Side effects are rare and include abnormal bleeding/bruising and numbness, pain or tingling of the hands or feet. If noted, please see a doctor.

4) What happens if I start the pack too late?

  • There is no harm in starting the pack too late. However, you may notice some breakthrough period pain at the start of your period.

5) What happens if I start the pack too early?

  • There is no harm in starting the pack too early. However, you may notice some breakthrough pain toward the middle of your period. Extensor packs are coming soon!

6) Is there an easy way to remember to take a dose?

  • Leave that to us! Sign up for an SMS reminder, and we'll let you know when to start taking your first dose of Bye Cramps supplements.

7) What if I miss a dose?

  • Because these are supplements, there is no harm in missing a dose. However, this product works best when taken before symptoms start. If you miss a dose, you may notice some breakthrough symptoms. Do not double up if you miss a dose.

8) What precautions should I follow?

  • No precautions are needed. Indicated for ages 12 and older.

9) What dietary instructions should I follow?

  • Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, continue your normal diet.

10) Does this need to be taken with food and/or water?

  • Bye Cramps is safe to be taken with or without food or water.

11) Is it bad if I take this while pregnant?

  • This product contains high doses of vitamins. It is recommended to discontinue use after finding out you are pregnant. If you have concerns about use before discovering you are pregnant, discuss with your doctor.

12) What's the difference between this product and a multivitamin?

  • This product contains three vitamins at therapeutic (higher) doses. Depending on the brand, multivitamins contain a larger number of vitamins in smaller doses. Bye Cramps is intended to manage symptoms while multivitamins are intended to provide daily dietary supplementation.

13) How do I effectively take this product if my periods aren't consistent?

  • In order to optimally manage cramps, it is helpful to begin Bye Cramps at the first sign of pain. While it is most convenient to have a regular and predictable period schedule, it is not essential. Pay close attention to the signals your body is sending and if you start to feel cramps before you notice period bleeding, begin taking the medication. Use of our Bye Irregularity product can also help regulate your cycle and make periods more predictable.